Chaldean Numerology is a system of assigning number to single letters of the name.
Not only individual's name, but name of businesses, softwares, etc are also calculated using chaldean name numerology
Chaldean Name numerology is inspired by Vedic System Of Numerology
Chaldean, (originally Vedic) system of assigning number to alphabets is different than that of a western system
In western system, alphabets are assigned numbers from 1 to 9 according to the index of the alphabet , but in chaldean system, the numbers are assigned to alphabets according to the sound of the alphabet
If you want to calculate the numerology of name according to Western Numerology system, Click here
A, I, J, Q, Y | 1 |
B, K, R | 2 |
C, G, L, S | 3 |
D, M, T | 4 |
E, H, N, X | 5 |
U, V, W | 6 |
O, Z | 7 |
F, P | 8 |
If you noticed, the number 9 is missing from the table. It is because Vedic System considers 9 as a holy number and does not assign it to any alphabet
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